I promised myself this year that I’d put out one new recipe every Thursday. I was never consistent in years past with my recipes, and I wanted to “grow my audience” this year, so I made a promise regarding consistency that I hope to keep. When I say I will do something, I do it.
When I made that promise, I didn’t think about the times when life would send us for a loop and break our hearts. So the creation of recipes some weeks are a lot easier than others. This week, I’ve only made thrown together sandwiches and salads. We’ve Door Dashed and eaten out and eaten random selections of food a lot. I wonder if the people who created Door Dash realized it was good program for most with busy lives, and essential for those with broken hearts. When worlds are crashing down, the last thing to think of is what to make for dinner.
I said last week that I’d like April to go away, and this week I’m saying that April can go f**** itself. The theme of April showers is right on point.
Salads. I buy all the veggies twice a week, cut them all up, and put them in glass containers. Then it’s easy to throw them together after a busy work day. The dressing part changes often, but these days I’m craving creamy dressings, and that’s where this simple recipe comes in. If you’re vegan, you certainly already have all of these ingredients on hand. If you’re not, give nutritional yeast a try. You can get it in the Whole Foods or Central Market bulk bins, and I’m sure all stores carry the Bragg’s brand in the baking section. A few tablespoons work wonders on making recipes taste “cheesy”.
To better days.
Love, Jen.

April Showers Cashew Salad Dressing
- 1 c. cashews
- 1 c. water
- 3 tbsp. nutritional yeast
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender, blend until smooth. Pour into a glass container. Dressing will keep for about 4 days in the fridge. If you don't have a high-powered blender, soak the cashews in a bowl of hot/boiling water for about 20 minutes, then drain, before blending with fresh water.