Hi, thank you for visiting my website.

I appreciate all of you who have reached out to me over the years and all the friendships that I’ve made with fellow vegans, vegetarians and introverts who love to travel.  🙂 

Many, many moons ago, when I lived in New Orleans, I had a magnet on my fridge that said “BE NICE OR LEAVE“. 

So I am adding that mantra to this site, too. If you are a pervert, a hater, or an ex-boyfriend, please, for the love of all things good in this world, leave me alone. 

If you have constructive criticism for me, my recipes, or the words on this site, please: take a deep breath, ask yourself what you’ll get out of telling me, and then, feel free to hit send. 

Peace to all, light to all – 


For questions or publishing permission, please email Jen at jen@wayfaringvegan.com