I had lunch with a friend this week who is a crazy successful entrepreneur. We discussed business books and yoga books and the ones that made a huge impact on our life.
That is what I am choosing to write about today, as I have written 2 blog posts about the horrific decisions being made in Alabama (and Georgia, and Missouri) and I just can’t bring myself to publish those words. So, entrepreneurism it is.
I created a yoga and mindfulness book club here in Fort Worth at the start of the year at a local bookstore. My intention behind the class was to bring yoga to places that it normally doesn’t belong, and to bring people together who like to read and are interested in new topics yet who don’t necessarily want to walk into a yoga studio.
The book club also serves a very important role in my life: to continue reading books that spark new interests in me, and to not forget about the things that I’ve already learned.
I told my friend this yesterday too, and she concurred, which makes me think this happens to more people than just me. See, if I don’t read first thing when I wake up, my whole day is off, and I slowly start to forget the concepts that I’m learning. If I go a day without reading a business book and without reading a yoga book, I go backwards in my ability to lead my company, and I go backwards in my ability to maintain mental and physical health.
If I’m not growing, I’m falling apart.
It’ll take me a few weeks to realize it. But my at-home yoga practice will begin to suffer. I’ll start to fidget in my morning meditation. And my business will start to fall, in small ways, but small ways truly impact businesses my size. I’ve set a lot of goals and achieved said goals, and still, the main way I know to stay focused is to stay committed to reading and growing.
It goes back to the quote you have heard me say too many times: You are the average of the 5 people you spend your life with. (Jim Rohn) – I realized the other day though, this applies not just to the 5 people you’re around, but it’s the 5 things that enter your mind over and over again. It’s the 5 things you choose to do in your free time. It’s the 5 types of foods you nourish your body with.
And it’s the 5 books you read, too. Those authors – musicians – politicians – media – it all affects our life.
So it’s not just who you hang around with, as much as I once thought. Sometimes we can’t change who we’re around, but we can often change what’s in our head, what we’re consuming, what we’re filling our minds with.
If I don’t fill my mind with a mindful/yoga/meditation book and with a business/leadership/entrepreneurship book every single month, I begin to lose the life that I want to be living.
Hence, the yoga book club. Maybe I’ll start one for entrepreneurs too. 🙂
Speaking of book stores, I made these little roll-ups at an event put on by my husband at Monkey & Dog a few weeks back. I can’t get enough of these little bites. They’re quick and easy to make and seemed to be a big hit.
Love, Jen.

Buffalo Veggie Roll-ups for Entrepreneurs
- 2 c. cashews
- 1 and 3/4 c. water
- 2 tbsp. buffalo wing sauce
- 1 tsp. salt
- celery, sliced thin
- green onions, diced
- cucumbers, sliced thin
- carrots, shredded
- red bell peppers, sliced thin
- 6 tortillas
- In a Vitamix or high-powered blender, combine the cashews, water, buffalo sauce and salt, blend well. Pour into a bowl, cover, and place in the fridge for about 2 hours to help the sauce thicken.
- Slice the veggies and set aside. When the cream has thickened, spread a thin layer onto each tortilla, top with a thin layer of veggies, then roll and slice into bites.
- Place in the fridge until ready to serve. They'll last about 3 days in the fridge.