To be honest, I don’t detox at all. If I did, I would do it with something like this tea.
I for one don’t see why we do these types of things as societies, I think our bodies reset naturally if we drink lots of water and lots of whole foods.
A lot of people feel differently than me. And that is fine. I’m not a dietitian, so what do I know.
Leading up to Christmas, and after Christmas, and all through winter really, I drink this tea about once a day. I first discovered it because my friend Surya had just gotten back from India and we met for lunch at Spiral Diner here in Fort Worth a few years back. I saw her order this, as she drank it all through India, and I immediately came home and made it, and never stopped.
It’s so good for upset tummies. Or for the days when you over-eat. Like Christmas, for example.
It might be good on the days you detox, too. I have no idea.
It’s easy and it’s cheap and it doesn’t require any weird ingredients, which is another reason why I love it and often go to it: these ingredients are always in my fridge: ginger, lemon and agave.
It’s a nice reset from a cold day and a great way to get a healthy boost of good ingredients in your body. Detox or not, start here.

Detox Ginger Tea
- 1 inch ginger, cleaned and sliced fairly thin
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 1 tsp. agave syrup
- 6 oz. water, boiling hot
- Place the ginger, lemon juice and agave syrup into your tea cup. Pour the boiling water on top, and enjoy.