Ok, I was almost done with my goal-planning blog posts for the year. And then I got sucked into an Instagram ad and ended up buying a planner from a company called Commit30. For years now I have used Danielle Laporte’s planners, and I love them, and have mine all ready for 2019. So I don’t need another planner. But this one looked enticing, so I bought it – and it arrived this week. And….I love it already!
So guys, sorry if you’re totally over the goal-orientation posts. We’re almost done with the year, and then guess what? I don’t talk about goals too terribly much during the year. Not like this at least.
Also, side note, I don’t get sponsorships from anyone. That’s a post that’s coming up so I won’t say anything else about that for now. Just know, Commit30 and Danielle Laporte are giving me nothing nor do they have any idea that I am typing these words.
OK here’s what I often forget to say about setting goals: SET FUN ONES, TOO.
I remembered this because I began filling out my new Commit30 journal. All my goals were pretty serious: eat more salads, drink less wine, drink more water, you get that, yea? Those are no fun. I decided this year I would do as Rachel Hollis suggests and simply begin by drinking half my body weight in water every day. That, I can definitely do. And that, I am certain I need. The rest, in my opinion, doesn’t really matter, as it’ll fall into place.
Healthy habits breed more healthy habits.
So! Time to plan some fun things too. For me, every year, that includes traveling to fun places and registering for yoga trainings. Since you can tell I’m at a yoga breaking point right about now, I decided to sign up for no more trainings (I already have 3 on the books next year with Amy Ippoliti, Jason Crandell and Sarah Powers) – that’s enough. And I decided my fun would be something that I totally enjoy and rarely partake in: fresh flowers.
My friend Robin is a champ at this joyful experience. First off, her house looks like it’s out of that really cool magazine that we all wish we bought however it does not exist yet…by that, I mean, her home is incredibly creative yet organized and clean and modern yet timeless and not stuffy or ritzy at all. Where is the magazine that features these types of homes?? It’s what we all wish we had a little more of in life. It’s a dream house, and it isn’t fancy by any means. She took her family heirlooms and made them look interesting and creative and I have no clue how to even begin a project such as that. Seriously, the woman would be Dallas’ top designer in an instant – I mean, instant – if people knew of her. Maybe that’ll be one of my other goals for 2019…hmmmm….
Anyway, she buys fresh flowers. I could have come right out and said that. Her husband buys them, too. Either way, there are often really cool fresh flowers in her home, and I am not talking about flowers from Kroger or Sprouts, no offense. I’m talking about the ones that she either clips from her backyard garden, which is outstanding, or gets from really awesome flower places like Central Market or Whole Foods, or Dallas’ best nurseries I’m sure.
So – fresh flowers. That’s a fun goal. That’s a way more fun goal than: I need to fit back into my current clothes as I can no longer afford to buy new clothes. Anyone???
And way more fun than: I must learn handstand without the wall this year. (For real, I was thinking about making that a goal for when I turn 40 – seriously, how absurd is that.) Anyone????
So, back to the planners: My Danielle LaPorte one is for my work, Craft & Communicate and my work goals. The Commit30 one is for my personal life: Wayfaring Vegan, Wayfaring Yoga, and my personal goals.
I like that. It’s a good divide. That way I don’t have to choose just one.
If you’re interested, I included some pics of the planners in my Instagram post.
Have fun planning and don’t forget the key word FUN.
Love, Jen.
Did y’all make any of the the holiday menu I posted this week? Please let me know if so! Here’s a cocktail recipe to go along with it if you’re into these types of things. Either way, how pretty is this cocktail? And soooo simple.
Also, as I was typing these words, I completely forgot that I did not share my sugar cookie recipe! And Santa needs sugar cookies. So, looks like one more recipe will be coming tomorrow. Then, break time.

Rosemary Elderflower Cocktail Goals
- 2 oz Vodka I use Dripping Springs
- 1 oz elderflower liquer I use St. Germain, is there even another??
- 1 oz fresh cranberry juice Buy the freshest you can find, with no additives if possible
- 1 sprig fresh rosemary
- 1 large ice cube
- Pour all ingredients into a glass, give it a stir - top with the rosemary and viola! Easy enough. No need to put into a shaker first unless you wanna be fancy.