I had my first mammogram a few weeks ago. I’m 38. Nothing’s wrong with me. And the mammogram process, it’s no big deal.
There’s things that happen at doctors and as women, I feel like we’re set up to be afraid of them. I was so nervous for my first pap exam, that would’ve been… what, 20+ years ago. And I was pretty nervous for the mammogram, not for the procedure as most things don’t scare me these days, but for the results.
So this one is for the gals, especially those younger than me who might be worried about the process of female doctor visits.
They’re no big deal.
However, I will say: my boobs are real, and they are small. If you have fake boobs, or big boobs, I assume for you it’s no big deal too; yet, I don’t know from experience.
Your boobs do get squished between two plates, but it’s not painful and it lasts literally 30 seconds. The worst part really is wearing the massive cape and trying to do things like sit patiently while results come in, or pee, in the huge-ass cape.
I went to get a mammogram because my boob itches, a lot. In the same spot, for months now. I went to my doc and she felt a lump, and she told me to get a mammogram and sonogram. I did not feel a lump, and, turns out, there was no lump, and nothing to be concerned about.
So, I am lucky.
It took about 2 hours of my day for both doctor visits, and now I have peace of mind.
I am saying this for all the gal readers: if you have any concern whatsoever, go get checked. It’s no big deal. And early prevention, so many say, saves lives.
As far as paps go, for any of my super young readers, although I don’t think I have any… they’re no big deal, either. Again, 30 seconds of your life for slight uncomfort vs. the uncertainty of not knowing how healthy you are – it’s no big deal. I would much, much rather go to the female doc than the dentist, any day.
As women, it’s important to tell the truth to each other and to encourage each other and to pass on any wisdom along the way. Get your female parts checked, and get on living your best life.
Love, Jen.
Hey! So, I went vegan in 2011 due to a cancer scare. My husband lost his friend from cancer nearly 10 years ago, and he switched, overnight, from a meat eater to a vegan. My vegetarian self followed suit by quitting all dairy products, and we immediately felt – and looked – better.
I don’t know what causes cancer, and I don’t think any of us do. I used to think it was our foods and now I fully believe that cancer is a piece of shit and it hits us for no fault of our own.
At the time that we went vegan, we were both convinced that getting all processed foods out of our diet would do nothing but make us healthier. In turn, we lost a ton of weight, and to this day, we both feel incredibly healthy. I’m not one to go on and on about this, as we can find whatever evidence suits our beliefs, and I don’t trust most evidence as it’s allllll biased. And for the love, what in our current world is ACTUAL TRUTH? I pretty much believe nothing these days.
If you want to know more, let me know and I might write a future post about this.
On to the recipe:

Mammograms and Mexican Salads
- 1 c. cashews, raw
- 1 c. boiling water
- 2 jalapenos, deseeded and chopped
- 1 tbsp. lemon, juiced
- 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp. salt
- In a Vitamix or high-powered blender, combine all ingredients and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy immediately, or the queso will last for a few days in the fridge if you have more willpower than me.