The thing I noticed most when I started this recipe blog back in 2016 was that I don’t branch out too much with my weekly routine. That means the foods I eat are pretty consistent day after day, which comes down to what we eat for breakfast, too, with today’s recipe: our daily smoothie. In my head, I’m a spontaneous, joyful, excited, fun-loving soul, and in actuality, I spend most of my time craving consistency, silence, and space.
Consistency with foods keeps me on track with a healthy lifestyle, consistency with my daily routine keeps me focused on my work goals, and consistency with my free time means I don’t over-extend myself week after week.
This may sound boring to some, but for me, this level of consistency leads to a happy life.
It also, however, throws a wrench in things with this food blog, as I need a lack of consistency to keep the recipes coming. This task – this big ole project called a recipe blog – was easier at first, as every big project I take on is super fun when I get going. I had all sorts of ideas and plans and new foods I wanted to try – the list got longer and longer each week… until it didn’t.
The initial 80% of anything in life is fairly easy for me; it’s the last 20% that gets tough. I guess in blogging, I’ve been stuck in the idea of the last 20% for the last few years: not wanting to make new recipes, not knowing what words to put on these pages….simply feeling stuck.
It wasn’t until earlier this year that I became inspired again, when I thought I still had something to say, and still had recipes to share. I’m grateful that I got there, as I truly love this space on the worldwide web. I hope you’re getting there too – that the veil of Covid and all the pain we’ve been through as a nation, as a world, is starting to lift, and that you’re beginning to discover or rediscover that which interests you. I am fairly certain that food will always interest me.
The recipe that I am sharing with you today is what I make almost every morning for myself and my husband: our daily smoothie. I realize it’s about to be cold weather season and smoothies may not be on your mind, however, we still start our day this way, no matter the season (although a warm bowl of oatmeal gets added to our cycle of recipes in the winter). If this sounds crazy to you, drink one full smoothie on a cold morning and see if it helps jump-start your day. It just might. <3
This recipe is easy breezy – you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry, or close to it. The only thing I’ve changed over the past year is that I now add Orgain Organic Protein Powder to my smoothies – just 2 of the scoops which is below their recommended amount for 2 smoothies. Adding protein powder is something I fought for so long, as I’m still not sure if vegans need stuff like this. I get that all protein comes from plants, not animals, and I get that most Americans eat WAY too much protein. However, I’m not sure if I’m in that too-much-protein group, so I began adding this about a year ago. I use the vanilla flavor which is delicious (and I’ll often use vanilla almond milk, too). Hopefully it doesn’t hurt. 🙂 P.S. – this is not sponsored.
Now, on to the recipe: Our Daily Smoothie.
Peace and Love,
Our Daily Smoothie

Our Daily Smoothie
- 1 banana, frozen
- 1 c. blueberries, frozen
- 1 c. almond milk
- 1 c. water
- 2 scoops protein powder optional
- 1 large handful spinach
- 2 tbsp. almond butter
- Add all ingredients, in the order listed above, to a high-powered blender. Blend for a minute or two, until creamy. Enjoy immediately!