It’s not quite fall-feeling here in North Texas although all the yummy mid-season veggies are popping into our favorite grocery stores, which prompted me to make this Early Fall Fig Toast this afternoon. The fig is such a beautiful fruit and delicious on its own, a great addition to a smoothie, or my personal favorite: to combine it with vegan ricotta cheese, fresh mint and a drizzle of agave syrup.
This early fall fig toast is the perfect snack or light lunch in this mid-season time where the temps have yet to really dip (it’s 97 as I write this, ugh) although the dreary skies and wind are definitely coming.
If you live in Fort Worth, then you’re lucky enough to have not only 1 but 2 (or 3 if you’re a TJ’s fanatic) grocery stores in your backyard. The best, of course, is Central Market, as long as you don’t go on a Sunday, or any weekday at 5. Every other time, it’s not too hectic, and you’ll be treated with the best assortment of fresh veggies along with fresh tortillas, breads, cakes, cookies, a huge assortment of wine, fresh tamales, an awesome olive bar… oh my gosh, where do I stop. It’s simply the best, and it’s on my top 5 list of why we still live in Fort Worth. I wish I was kidding, but it’s simply that good. Every other city pales in comparison if Central is too far away or not present. There’s really nothing else like it. The amount of fig options they had today was unbelievable, so if you’re local, head over there soon before the season’s up.
Speaking of the season, my husband and I have a busy fall planned last minute (as in today, ha) so making food like this, food from the season, is a really sweet way to settle down for a moment and enjoy what’s in front of us. I do that so rarely during the week that I pretty much have to force myself to stay in, chop some veggies, and slow down on Sundays. Life is simply too busy, so the seasonal (and veggie) changes help me take a step back, relax my tense shoulders, and sigh a huge exhale.
I hope you and yours are starting to slow down and savor this awesome transitional season. It’s a great time of year to add yin yoga into your day, stock up on some herbal teas, grab a few of your favorite magazines, and start to settle in for cooler days ahead. As much as I despise the cold, I love slowing down, and the fall season is the best transition for me to do that. Bring on the sweater season.
Peace and love,
P.S. – you can make fresh vegan ricotta on your own (and I have many times before), however these days I need EASE so I buy as much pre-made as I possibly can. There are a few brands that are good, however Kite Hill is common and all plant-based, so it’s what I end up with the most. Enjoy this on fresh sourdough or your favorite bread, and enjoy immediately as with any toast, it gets soggy fast.

Early Fall Fig Toast
- 1 slice of your favorite bread
- 3 tbsp ricotta cheese, vegan I used Kite Hill Ricotta
- 1 back fig, sliced
- 1 tsp. mint, chopped
- 1 tsp. agave syrup
- Toast your bread
- Spread the ricotta on top, then top with the sliced fig, mint and agave syrup