Shelter pups

Did y’all ever get back to life pre-Covid? I never did, and I’m curious who else is swimming in the I’m-so-fatigued-when-will-this-ever-end camp. This can’t be the new normal, right? This is just me?

For the past 3+ years this recipe blog has sat without recipes, mostly because when I do cook, it’s one of my old stand-byes: veggie soup, baked sweet potatoes, or a roasted veggie and quinoa or lentil bowl. It’s whatever I can get my hand on that is easy and that does not take me looking over a recipe.

To be completely honest though, most of my dinners are still cooked via whatever local restaurant I am near, most often delivered via Door Dash. I think if someone showed me my Door Dash receipts over the past 3 years I would be more embarrassed than all other most embarrassing moments of my life combined. So therefore, I choose to turn a blind eye and pretend that all is fine, and all will be fine.

So here we are, close to fall in 2023, and I’m trying… are you? I’m trying to get in yoga every day, meditate every morning, walk my dogs around the block, and write out my daily personal and work priorities each morning. It’s such a nice way to start each day and I would be lying if this state of zen lasted past 9 a.m. each day. But it’s a start.

I’m pretty much over the pretty gals and guys on blogs, podcasts and various articles that talk about their lemon water and gratitude lists and how they don’t allow anything to enter their day that upsets their flow. That’s not life, and they are lying, or they’re not working: one of the two is most definitely true. I’m lucky if I get one of those days a month, and I am certain I am not alone.

So we do the best we can, one day at a time, focusing on the people we want to become, working towards the life we want to live, taking care of our loved ones and our communities the best way we can. One step forward, somedays two steps back.

I hope all of y’all are doing as well as you can be, giving yourselves grace and giggling about all the crazy, sad, joyful, depressing, wonderful moments of life. They are almost all worth giggling over, if nothing else.

Peace and love to you,

P.S. – We had to put our beloved Tugboat down about 6 months ago, and a few weeks back, we adopted these 2 crazy pups from the animal shelter. If there’s any advice I could ever give, it’s this: fill your life with pups in order to have your heart expand threefold. It’s impossible to have a truly shitty day when you have a pup nearby.